Get £15 worth of help for National Stop Smoking Day

For many smokers wanting to kick the habit, National Stop Smoking Day on 8th March comes as a mixed blessing. For some, it acts as an encouragement to continue the good work they started at New Year; for others, it is a painful reminder that the “season of good willpower” is well and truly over.

Many smokers will be contemplating quitting now that the pressure of New Years is over, whilst others are vowing to stay at home and smoke twice as many cigarettes on the 8th as a mark of defiance…

The Gravesham and surrounding boroughs are organising a number of events to help smokers – according to Gravesend News Shopper, Carbon Monoxide tests and stop smoking advice will be available to the general public at Dartford Priory Centre from 10am – 4pm, all day at Asda in London Road Swanley, and at lunchtime for students and staff at North West Kent College’s Dartford campus.

Gravesend’s Town Crier will be telling (or is that yelling?) people about stop smoking stands at the Thames Way Asda store, The Grand on the High Street, and the North West Kent College’s Gravesend campus.

As we mentioned in our previous blog, Hypnotherapy is three times more effective than patches or gum, so we want to do our bit to help local smokers quit this Stop Smoking Day.