Today is World Hypnotism Day

Today is the day when professionals in the field of hypnotism from organisations around the world are sharing expertise and promoting the truths and benefits of hypnotism. So what is hypnosis, and how can it help?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind which each one of goes into every day: Have you ever been so absorbed in a book, film or video game that the hours seemed to fly by? Or been in a boring meeting or party where every minute seemed like an hour? Lost your car keys only to later find them in the first place you looked? Realised that someone was talking to you, but you were ’miles away’? Reached your destination without fully remembering the drive? Lost track of time in a shopping centre or motorway service station? All these are all examples of being in a light state of hypnosis.

It can be thought of as a state of focussed awareness, a state of mind where it is possible to learn new things easily. It is a totally natural and frequently occuring state – in fact, children spend much of their time in natural hypnosis! The hypnotherapist serves to guide you into this natural state to help you achieve your goals – a bit like an air traffic controller guiding a pilot to help them land their plane safely. Hypnosis is not mind control – you are flying the plane at all times and can choose to ignore the hypnotherapist or teminate your hypnosis at any time.

So how can it help?

Hypnosis is not just about quitting smoking! You can use hypnosis to create healthy, positive changes in your life, improve sports skills, feel good about yourself, overcome fears and phobias, give birth comfortably and achieve your goals and dreams. Click here for a more complete list of things hypnotherapy can help with.

Have you ever made New Resolutions that flopped after a few days? This is because you were attempting to create these changes from your conscious mind, which means using willpower. Willpower was never meant to create permanent change. It is in your subconscious mind that habits are created and maintained, and where memories of everything that’s ever happened to you are stored.

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality, so when you are in hypnosis and given a suggestion, your subconscious mind will act it out. You are therefore able to use your imagination to focus on the changes you want to create, release fears and old disappointments, release stress, or end bad habits.

And the great thing is that, unlike stage hypnosis which requires deep hypnosis, these transformations can be achieved in much lighter states, meaning pretty much everyone can develop a sufficient depth of hypnosis to make the changes they desire!

If you would like to find out how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help you to make the changes you want in your life, why not contact us.