Tag Archives: hypnosis

Hypnotism aids allergy sufferers

Swiss researchers say people can reduce their allergy symptoms by up to one-third just by thinking about a place that is free of allergens. The researchers at University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, based their conclusions on 40 people they recruited and trained to hypnotize themselves for two years. (United Press International – 6th July 2005)

Brain Studies Investigate Pain Reduction By Hypnosis

Researchers found that volunteers under hypnosis experienced significant pain reduction in response to painful heat. They also had a distinctly different pattern of brain activity compared to when they were not hypnotized and experienced the painful heat. The changes in brain activity suggest that hypnosis somehow blocks the pain signal from getting to the parts […]

Hypnosis 'doubles IVF success'

Hypnosis can double the success of IVF treatment, researchers have claimed. A team from Soroka University, Israel, found 28% of women in the group who were hypnotised became pregnant, compared with 14% of those who were not. (BBC News 29th June 2004)